Welcome to the Same Recipe Blog!
We are glad you are here 😊 Together we are a family of five; Jake, Karissa, Brenden, Khloe and Aiden, cooking from a family cookbook full of recipes!
Jake has been cooking since he was a child and when he met me, Karissa, I only knew how to cook mac and cheese (from a box) and breakfast! Fast forward to him helping me learn how to cook through online recipes and cooking shows!
Jake’s family members put together a recipe book called
“Family Togetherness” that has over 300 recipes!
One night Jake and Khloe looked up a cookie recipe in this family cookbook, and from there we decided to make all the recipes in the book together as a family.
Follow our journey on this Blog and also on our YouTube Channel HERE.
This blog will detail out the recipe and our opinions, yes all of our opinions…even the bad ones! Subscribe to our newsletter for a round up of new recipes sent to you monthly!
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